Allow your guests to give instantaneous feedback without being confronted or influenced by staff making them feel uncomfortable or swaying their input.

Ring n Rate Instantaneous feedback for immediate intervention
Ring n Rate Instantaneous feedback for immediate intervention

Handle the negative feedbacks effectively by notifiying your staff for immediate intervention when a guest is dissatisfied before he leaves the venue.

Build on positive feedbacks by prompting happy customers to share their feedback on Tripadvisor or Google Reviews.

Ring n Rate Instantaneous feedback for immediate intervention
Ring n Bring marketing promotional banner

Drive revenue by presenting offers and promotions to guests when they are most receptive.

You now have the ability to tailor different offers to guests, resulting in maximized returns on your marketing efforts.

Put all the essential info about your venue at your guests fingertips with an easy-to-find and always-accessible button.

Let your guests discover all the amenities, services, and facilities that you have to offer with just a QR scan.

Ring n Bring all in one guest experience platform
Ring n Bring customizable and instantaneous feedback

Our user-friendly and fully customizable feedback questionnaire is designed to provide you with insightful data and reviews from your customers with the ability to grade staff members.

Guests will forget niggly details when asked after leaving the venue, give them the ability to report instantly any inconveniences or unhygienic issues.

Ring n Bring customizable and instantaneous feedback
Ring n Bring customizable and instantaneous feedback

With RnB’s comprehensive analytics you get a detailed understanding of your business operations, you can easily monitor staff efficiency and customer behavior which will allow you to effectively optimize the guest experience.