waiting times

Provide Easier access to your services

Drive more revenue with digital ordering

Ring n Bring all in one guest experience platform

Depending on the size of the venue and the distribution of waitstaff, customers may experience delays for up to several minutes while attempting to attract the attention of available waiters for order placement. Conversely, consistently inquiring about their needs can occasionally be perceived as intrusive.

Say goodbye to the discomfort of customers waiting awkwardly, attempting to catch the attention of staff by waving hands, walking to locate an available waiter, or resorting to loud calls.

Streamline your resort’s info into one place

Let your guests discover all the amenities, services, and facilities that you have to offer with just a QR scan.

Cater to a global clientele with multi-lingual capabilities, and eliminate communication barriers between staff and guests.

Ring n Bring informative QR system
Ring n Bring f&B ordering system

Let your guests easily order Food & Drinks

Provide guests a simple and convenient way to order food & drinks directly from their mobile device. Whether it’s room service, drinks by the pool, or dinner at your restaurants. Mobile ordering offers a contactless and efficient mechanism to manage your F&B service.

Guests will be receiving update notifications to stay informed about the status of their orders and even wait times.

Enable targeted communication to improve staff efficiency

Allow a seamless guest experience by providing your guests the ability to send requests directly from their mobile device to the relevant resolver group.

Guests will be receiving update notifications to stay informed about the status of their orders and even wait times.

Automate escalation alerts to be sent to department heads or duty managers to ensure timely resolution of pending requests or orders.

Ring n Bring request dispatch system
Ring n Bring online payment

Offer a convenient way to handle payments


Everyone at the table can scan the QR and choose to pay their ordered items, divide equally, or pay any custom amount.


While paying the bill, customers get predefined tipping percentages. With one click they can add any proposed amount, or even customize one of their own.


Allow guests to pay seamlessly using one or multiple instant payment solutions: Cash, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or any local or international debit or credit card.

Make all your services always accessible

Our shopping menus allow guests the purchase of items and services they didn’t even know you offered, directly from their own mobile device. No phone calls to reception or call centers. No unnecessary touch points. Just quick access to all revenue generating items in a single location.

Ring n Bring shopping menu
Ring n Bring online booking system

Promote activities and let your guests book online

Inform your guests about the available activities, provide easier access to your services and save your staff time by enabling the “Booking” feature. Guests will be able to access any highlighted services and send a booking request with a click of a button.

Guests will be receiving update notifications to stay informed about the status of their orders and even wait times.

Upsell using

Promotional Banner

Drive revenue by presenting offers and promotions to guests when they are most receptive.

You now have the ability to tailor different offers to guests, resulting in maximized returns on your marketing efforts.

Ring n Bring promotional banner
Ring n Bring staff management

Streamline your staff operations

  • Bring efficiency to your F&B operations

Optimize your dining facilities and have full control over the ordering process and payment integrations.

  • Update your services in real time

Take complete control over your service offerings, easily update menus, customize request buttons, and highlight specific items or images for promotion.

  • Keep Requests Under Control

Manage tasks and requests better since everything is centralized in RnB’s system, when an order is placed, a request made, or a review given, you decide who should be alerted and how they receive notifications.

Make data-driven informed decisions

With RnB’s comprehensive analytics you get a detailed understanding of your business operations, you can easily monitor staff efficiency and customer behavior which will allow you to effectively optimize the guest experience.

Ring n Bring data driven analytics
Ring n Bring feedback system

Gather Insightful Feedback

Our user friendly, customizable and instantaneous feedback questionnaire is designed to provide you with insightful data and reviews from your customers with the ability to grade staff members. This enables you to gain a better understanding of your customers, identify areas for improvement, and make informed changes to enhance your services.
